Martin Luther: life and places  

All about Martin Luther: his life, his influence, and the places in Germany associated with him. 

Martin Luther's protest against the sale of indulgences in Wittenberg, Germany, changed the course of European history.

The story of how a simple monk came to cause such an uproar among the powerful of 16th century Europe is a fascinating one.

It's quite an experience to visit the places where these events occurred.

Martin Luther at the Diet of WormsMartin Luther at the Diet of Worms
Martin Luther's parents' portrait

Wittenberg. See Luther's house, the church doors where the 95 theses were (allegedly) nailed, the oak tree where he burned the papal bull, the churches he preached in, Luther's grave, and related museums.

Entrance to Wartburg Castle

Wartburg Castle. The beautiful medieval fortress where Luther hid from the Inquisition and translated the Bible into German.

Martin Luther's house in Eisenach

Eisenach. The town where Luther lived as a schoolboy and where he preached on the way to the Diet of Worms. Birthplace of Johann Sebastian Bach.

Portrait of Martin Luther's parents, painting

Martin Luther Biography. The story of his life. How he came to take the actions he did, what he believed and why, what his family life was like.

Martin Luther points to 95 theses, painting

Read the 95 Theses. When he nailed his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg in 1517, he set off shock waves across Christendom for daring to challenge the authority of the pope. (See summary of the 95 Theses.)

  • Martin Luther's sayings. Quotes on the subjects of life, love, work, women and war.
  • How did his view of Christian theology differ from the Church's? Read a summary of the doctrinal differences between Lutheranism and Catholicism of the 16th century.

Martin Luther Tour, new for 2024. The director of the Wittenberg English Ministry is leading a tour of Luther's places (Wittenberg, Eisleben, Erfurt and Wartburg Castle) plus a Rhine River Cruise, and visits to Rothenburg, Neuschwanstein, Munich and Oktoberfest. September 15-25, 2024.

See Luther, Castles & Oktoberfest Tour for more info and booking.

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Traveling in Germany

The last remaining Covid restrictions in Germany, in terms of vaccination and masking requirements, ended April 7, 2023.

See current Covid rules for more information.

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