By Karen

Affiliate Disclosure

How I make money with this site and what my criteria are for suggesting tours, hotels and tickets.

Here and there on my website, I make recommendations for various tours or hotels. 

For some of these, I have an affiliate relationship with the provider or seller of the tour tickets or hotel rooms which allows me to collect a commission (usually a small one) on any sales that come about from someone clicking a link and going on to a booking site.

Booking through one of my affiliate links does not affect the price; it's the same as if you had booked directly with the tour company or hotel booking company.

On pages where I'm providing a link to one of the companies that I'm affiliated with, I always include a note to that effect.

The income I receive from this site allows me to produce the articles and provide the information that I've included here. My website is a labor of love, and a lot of fun, but it's also nice if it gives me some return on the time and energy I put into creating it;)

Many of the things I recommend on my website are not connected with any of these affiliate companies, where I don't benefit financially from the recommendation but I think the tour is worthwhile or the hotel is a good one, and it would be a good experience for the visitor.

I want visitors to my site to know that I am quite picky about the tours and hotels that I suggest. I only make recommendations when I sincerely believe they will be enjoyable; either I've been on the tour myself, or I've stayed at the hotel, or I've carefully studied the reviews of other travelers. It's very important to me that my visitors have a good experience during their trip to Germany, so I only recommend things that I would also recommend to my family or friends.

One thing I don't do, although it's quite common in the travel industry, is accept "freebies" from tour companies or from hotels in exchange for a review or a mention. I think it's hard to remain objective if one is receiving gifts under those circumstances. In fact, I don't tell people at the hotels I stay at or the tours I go on that I operate a travel website, so I get to experience the same things other travelers do.

I welcome feedback on any tours that my visitors have taken, as well as experiences with the hotels, good or bad, so I can weed out any that have gone downhill or that no longer meet my standards.

Here's hoping you have a wonderful time in Germany!

Gute Reise!

All the best, Karen